Essentials for your first one day trek: what do you need to carry? I have complied a quick list for what to pack:
Before climbing higher peaks, a good start is to get into trekking or hiking. Begin with small treks near to your house with a group/experienced and trustworthy trekkers. Understand the terrain, region and altitude, look for flora/fauna. Also watch other participants on how they walk, their gears, their style of walk (uphill and downhill). Do keep a note on how your body responds on the trial, the breathing pattern, your body balance and enjoy being in nature.
List of items which are must to carry on every trek irrespective of the mountain range.
Things on you:
- Small daypack: With padding and good shoulder straps
- Hiking boots: We recommend you use ankle shoes as twisting of ankle on trails is the most common injury and prime cause of not being able to complete the trek or hike.
- Hat/ Cap: to prevent the sun from draining you out
- Water-bottle: At least a Liter. If you are going for long day then please carry water filtration system or more water with you.
- Sun-screen: It hurts too bad, for days to have burnt skin on your face and hands. Its always best to be safe than sorry.
- Clothing: Preferably wear full sleeve t-shirts and full sleeve pants. You never know if the trail might be thorny, you have to bushwhack. Having scratch marks as souvenirs looks fancy but they might be there for year on your skin. Please protect yourself.
- Extra jacket: If its going to rain, carry a waterproof layer or if you are expecting cloudy weather then carry a warm jacket.

Other essentials for your one day trek, which need to be in your pack are:
• Headlamp (including spare batteries)
• First-Aid Kit.
• Multi-purpose knife.
• Extra food and water.
• Extra clothes.
• Duct tape and sewing material.
• Maps with GPS (Digital & Hardcopy)
• Matchbox/lighter
• Ropes/Slings – With basic knowledge of its usage for tricky/exposed patches.
• Cell-phone with power bank*
*Using satellite/radio devices in India without proper license/permits is not allowed. So relying on phone signal for a call in case of emergency is very important. Hence, I have mentioned why it’s mandatory to carry “Emergency Contacts” in my previous post.
Etiquettes: for your one day trek as well as for any backcountry trip that you embark on:
The unspoken rules of the trek
• Be friendly and kind to fellow trekkers and yourself.
• Respect Wildlife and Flora.
• Be mindful about local people and their culture.
• Enjoy the sound of nature and not BT speakers.
• Follow 7 Principles of Leave No Trace, which are available on Google or I will cover in next post.
Also consider reading: How to check boot size and fit for mountaineering shoe