Einstein said that everyone is a genius but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will lead its whole life thinking it is stupid.
How do we capture the genius of our children?
Is formal education discovering geniuses or leaving them behind?
Does formal education really teach children the skills to make it in today’s world?

When you think of a glass of water, the glass is context and water is content. In other words, the context delivers the content. Looking at formal education through this analogy, the current education system is proving ineffective in context and content.
The delivery system is boring and not engaging at all. The children are lined up in rows of desks being lectured by one teacher in front of the room.

There is no participation, only memorization. A model that has not been upgraded for over 150 years considering the ease of access to information available instantly today through tins like Google , YouTube and smartphones .
And the content itself is unusable in the real world. Once you get past writing, reading and maths, the subjects taughtgt do not effectively support children. This content rarely transfers in their careers and endeavors.
If the current education model worked efficiently, our kids wouldn’t emerge through 13 years of education system, without a clue of how to tackle the real world. Even worse, our children then take on huge loans and be in debts to continue learning a mostly useless curriculum.
In order to save our children, we need to break the glass of education and start doing things differently in terms of both context and content.
There is an old Chinese proverb that says:
Teach me I’ll forget,
Show me, I might remember,
Involve me and I ‘ll finally understand.

What we do in outdoor education is cast out our current model of education and create a more effective model of education. Education that focuses on experiential realm of learning.
We place the children in direct and inspiring experiences followed by focused reflections that increase useful knowledge, develop skills that they can apply, clarified values that make all the difference and develop a deep capacity for contribution.
Effective education can be applied to real life with real results. This new school of thought is based on principles of experiential learning.
In the outdoors, the context is dynamic is opposed to boring, enduring instead of short lived, inspiring children to want to learn more, do more.
the content is the most advantageous and rarely focused in school:
1. Confidence mindset:
Strong self-confidence and more values can be developed that help them identify their weakness and strengths and uncover their talents and purpose of life. It helps team deals with obstacles effectively as they progress in their goals.
2. Entrepreneurial mindset:
Encourages their creativity, develops thinking out of the box instead of just memorization or blindly following sometimes, makes them improve problem solving and dream big.
3. Conscious Contribution:
Appreciate what they aver, develop self-worth and create gratitude and actively help those in need.
4. Quality connection:
The ability to have powerful connection to self and others . it is as important as reading and maths.
5. Energetic health:
It’s not sedentary where they sit and learn, we make it engaging by means of activities and games which keeps them fit and they eat well and on time in order to maintain high energy.
A context of learning that is more inspiring base on content that truly delivers results.
We develop these values and teach them through experience, we use wilderness/ outdoor round-table settings and masterminds instead of boring classroom lectures.
These definately give them an advantage they deserve.